Thursday, December 22, 2005

My wife of 4 years

My wife and I just celebrated our fourth anniversary. I feel way to young to have already experienced four years of marriage--especially with a woman such as her. As she is the most outstanding individual that I have ever met, I am convinced that if I became more like her, I would be a far better person. In honor of this woman, I would like to share with you my four favorite things about her:

04. She pushes me to follow Jesus as He would have me to and not as she would.

03. She always pays attention to my details--even the really small ones.

02. She would rather spend a quiet evening with me than anything else in the world. I don't know anyone else that would do that.

01. The way that she serves and encourages other people enhances my life and perspective on how God must love.

I love you!


Anonymous said...

Jeremy. You are so right! You are a very fortunate young man to have found such a compatible young lady to be your wife. She's a jewell! (Diamond or otherwise) :) :)

We love both of you very much.


Jean said...

Happy 4th Anniversary!
Beautiful photo!
Can you tell me where
your picture was taken?
In California??


Jer said...


This picture was actually taken in the Grand Tetons this past summer. Jaci and I vacationed there for a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy and Jaci,
You are a very special couple. Scott and I are always learning (good and bad) from our married friends... thanks for examples of the good :)


Anonymous said...

im just a wanderer...i happened to be reading something and passed by this post. i think Allah has made a very special couple here, filled with love and everything beautiful. ur souls seem pure and there is a special strength between the two of you. may Allah protect you from all the evils of this world and fill your lives with immense joy.